Finding ID | Version | Rule ID | IA Controls | Severity |
V-240973 | VRAU-VI-000340 | SV-240973r879655_rule | Medium |
Description |
The structure and content of error messages need to be carefully considered by the organization and development team. Any application providing too much information in error logs and in administrative messages to the screen risks compromising the data and security of the application and system. The extent to which the application server is able to identify and handle error conditions is guided by organizational policy and operational requirements. Adequate logging levels and system performance capabilities need to be balanced with data protection requirements. The structure and content of error messages needs to be carefully considered by the organization and development team. Application servers must have the capability to log at various levels, which can provide log entries for potential security-related error events. An example is the capability for the application server to assign a criticality level to a failed logon attempt error message, a security-related error message being of a higher criticality. |
STIG | Date |
VMware vRealize Automation 7.x vIDM Security Technical Implementation Guide | 2023-09-12 |
Check Text ( C-44206r676178_chk ) |
At the command prompt, execute the following command: grep log4j.appender.rollingFile.file /usr/local/horizon/conf/ If the "log4j.appender.rollingFile.file" is not set to "/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/logs/horizon.log" or is commented out or is missing, this is a finding. |
Fix Text (F-44165r676179_fix) |
Navigate to and open /usr/local/horizon/conf/ Configure the vIDM policy log file with the following lines: log4j.appender.rollingFile=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.rollingFile.MaxFileSize=50MB log4j.appender.rollingFile.MaxBackupIndex=7 log4j.appender.rollingFile.Encoding=UTF-8 log4j.appender.rollingFile.file=/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/logs/horizon.log log4j.appender.rollingFile.append=true log4j.appender.rollingFile.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.rollingFile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p (%t) [%X{orgId};%X{userId};%X{ip}] %c - %m%n |